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Yes, it is possible to have a delicious gluten-free Thanksgiving with a few minor alterations! Just because we are gluten-free doesn’t mean we we can’t enjoy all the same delicious and traditional Thanksgiving dishes along with everyone else.

Pro Tips:
Wanna get a head start on your Thanksgiving cooking? 🙋‍♀️I do!! First, pre-measure all the dry ingredients the day before! I keep old bags of Mama’s Coconut Blend Flour for mixing up the dry ingredients for all my recipes. I label them so to keep better track of them, you don’t want to use the same bag for pumpkin pie spices when your making chocolate chip cookies or your cookies will have a hint of ginger and cloves to them. Anyways, back to the point, if you pre-mix the dry ingredients the day before, then on Thanksgiving day all you have to do is add the wet ingredients and stick ’em the oven!
Second, many dishes call for butter or eggs. Get them out of the fridge the day before to bring them to room temperature. Many recipes call for softened butter while room temperature eggs produce the best baking results!

See below for links to recipes for some of the trickier dishes that will need special ingredients. For the easier ones I’ve added things to look out for when preparing or to ask about if someone else is preparing it. I’ve also added a section at the bottom with gluten-free Thanksgiving traveling tips.
Still need to add a few recipes before we can consider this page complete. Am I missing any of your favorite Thanksgiving dishes? Send me a message using the contact form or connect with me on Instagram @makeitglutenfreewithme. Happy Gluten-Free Thanksgiving from our home to yours!
Gluten-Free Turkey
The turkey is obviously gluten-free but you need to beware of 2 things. Clearly you will need to make sure it isn’t stuffed with gluten-filled bread stuffing. The bird will be much more moist and delicious if you don’t stuff it anyways so you can tell your non-gluten-free friends you are doing them a favor by not stuffing it 🙂
The second thing you need to look out for is spices and seasonings that may be injected into the turkey. We like to deep fry our turkey when possible, but often deep fried turkeys are injected with delicious spices and seasonings. Just be sure to double check and make sure the injection will be free from gluten ingredients.

Gluten-Free Gravy
I’ve seen all sorts of attempts to make gluten-free gravy more complicated than it needs to be! Do you have a favorite recipe for gravy? Great, use that recipe! Some gravy recipes use cornstarch as a thickener, that’s naturally gluten-free so you’re good to go! Other gravy recipes use flour but you can simply substitute the regular flour with gluten-free flour, it’s really that simple!
Important tip: Whether you are using cornstarch or gluten-free flour, you’ll need to make sure you are adding either to cooled drippings, broth or water before mixing in with any hot liquids.
Here’s our favorite gravy recipe made gluten-free.
Gluten-Free Stuffing
Recipe coming soon
Gluten-Free Mashed Potatoes
Spoiler alert…mashed potatoes are gluten free! Not much else to say except if you are going to someone else’s house and they made the mashed potatoes you may have to be careful of cross contamination.
For example, if they put butter in the mashed potatoes (who doesn’t?!)… did they use that same stick of butter earlier in the week when they were making their toast? If they spread butter on their toast and went back for a second knife-full then those mashed potatoes are no longer celiac safe. Yes, you have to be that careful when feeding celiacs.

Gruyere Scalloped Potatoes
Want to take it up a notch? These Gruyere Scalloped Potatoes are absolutely delicious!! Hands down these are the BEST scalloped potatoes you will ever have!!
Don’t skimp on the cheese, that’s the most important part! Also, don’t try to use a food processor to slice the potatoes, they need to be super thin. We like to use the slicing side of a box grater to get perfectly paper thin potato slices.
Hope you enjoy these are much as we do! And yes, you can make these AND regular mashed potatoes, that’s ok too 🙂
Gluten-Free Green Bean Casserole
This recipe is adapted from the classic green bean recipe off the back of the French’s fried onions can. The original recipe calls for a can of cream of mushroom soup and obviously the French’s fried onions. Neither of which are gluten-free.
We’ve substituted the canned cream of mushroom soup with a homemade recipe that is absolutely delicious! Only 3 ingredients need to be gluten-free – flour, chicken stock and bouillon cubes. That’s a pretty easy substitute if you ask me!
Everything in the homemade fried shallots recipe is naturally gluten free and let me tell you, these taste way better than anything you get out of a can!!
I can tell you, by making this recipe you will make your gluten-free guests feel like they are not being left out! This recipe is so yummy and fresh that it is sure to please even your gluten-eaters at the table!
Sweet Potato Delight
Most ingredients in this delicious dish are naturally gluten-free. Only the pecan crumble topping calls for flour which we simply replaced with Mama’s Coconut Blend gluten-free flour and a little xanthan gum. Click here for the delectable sweet potato delight recipe made gluten-free.
This dish is super easy to make and fits well into the Thanksgiving “oven timeline” requiring only 30 minutes in the oven.
Don’t have room in the oven? See below for our traveling tips and instructions on cooking this in the crockpot.
Gluten-Free Cornbread
Luckily cornbread is mostly made with cornmeal which, in it’s pure form, is naturally gluten-free. Unfortunately just about every mass produced grain in the United Sates is subject to gluten cross contamination unless specific precautions are taken.
Bob’s Red Mill has a certified gluten-free cornmeal that is decently priced. We also use Mama’s Coconut Blend and add a little Bob’s Red Mill xanthan gum to round out the recipe.
Click here for our deliciously moist and perfectly textured gluten-free cornbread recipe. You can make muffins or use a square tin for traditional cornbread squares.
Gluten-Free Pumpkin Pie:
For the pumpkin pie we simply use the recipe off the back of the pumpkin pie cans, all the ingredients for pumpkin pie are naturally gluten-free. The only thing you need to worry about is the pie crust.
Gluten-free crust is super difficult and I’ve never been a real crust-liking person anyway. As a kid, before I knew I had celiac, I would always scrape the pie off the crust. So, unfortunately for my pie-loving husband, I haven’t made much of an effort in coming up with my own homemade crust.
Keep reading for some gluten-free crust ideas or creative ways to make a crustless pie 🙂

Gluten-Free Pie Crust
Kinnikinnick makes a delicious traditional gluten-free pie crust which you can get in the frozen section of most grocery stores. They also have a package of gluten-free graham style crumbs you can make into a crust. Mi-Del also makes a fantastic graham style pie crust. Both can be found online or in most grocery stores.
Crustless Pumpkin Pie Alternative
I prefer my pumpkin pie without the crust so I use one of my favorite ceramic dishes – it’s shaped like a pumpkin pie and even has an adorable pumpkin shaped lid. I got mine many years ago at Kohls on clearance, but here’s a cute one I found on Amazon. The box says its oven safe up to 400* F but the description says it’s oven safe up to 500* F. My guess is you can safely cook the pumpkin pie at 425* F for the first 15 minutes then reduce the heat as directed in the recipe and be just fine.
Traveling for Thanksgiving?
A few years back we road tripped to our cousin’s house for Thanksgiving. Their house is not gluten-free so we brought our own cooking dishes and pre-prepped all the ingredients before we left home. It worked out great! We brought sweet potato delight, gluten-free cornbread, and pumpkin pie!
Sweet Potato Delight in the crock pot – We cooked the sweet potatoes in the crockpot on high for 3.5 to 4 hours. Rinse the potatoes, do not dry off, this moisture will help the potatoes cook properly in the crockpot. Potatoes are done when a fork can easily be inserted into the potatoes. When done mash the potatoes with a fork, mix in the other ingredients, then sprinkle with the topping mixture and cook on high for an additional 30 minutes. It won’t be crispy and browned but it will still be delicious! Click here for the full recipe.

Hope this was helpful! Happy Gluten-Free Thanksgiving from our family to yours!!
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