Gluten-Free 101, Shopping Guide, Skin Care & Supplements

Gluten-Free Supplements

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Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but if you are celiac you need to be careful of gluten in EVERYTHING! Unfortunately that includes vitamins and supplements, medicines and even dental products! I typically try to stick to products that specifically state they are gluten-free on the package.

Gluten-Free Supplements

Our favorite gluten-free supplements are Vitamin Code – Raw One. It’s a great once daily multivitamin available for both men & women, made with individually “grown” nutrients utilizing probiotic cultivation to produce Raw Food-Created Nutrients. Vitamin Code supplements are delivered in a whole food base of fruits and vegetables. These supplements are Raw, which not only means that they are produced below 115º F, but also means that these nutrients come with their natural cofactors, along with live probiotics and enzymes, just like raw foods! Vitamin Code Raw powders are delivered in capsules without any binders or fillers—everything you want and nothing you don’t want.

For your convenience we’ve added Amazon links for the gluten-free supplements discussed in this post. We promise the links are safe, we set them up through the Amazon Associate program which helps us to earn a small amount from each qualifying purchase. Thank you for your support!

Vitamin Code Raw One for Men
Vitamin Code Raw Prenatal


Here’s a little tip regarding the prenatal vitamins – this is not based on scientific research, this claim is purely based on my personal use – prenatals have helped my hair and nails to be healthier and stronger. My hair has been down to my butt ever since I started using prenatals over 17 years ago! My nails used to be super thin and would split and peel. Every once in a while I stop using the vitamins, mostly because I get lazy (I mean really, how hard is it??) and I notice my nails start peeling and breaking after about a month of not using them. I start using them again and after another month they get strong again. Food for thought!

Gluten-Free Medicines

More and more medicines these days are specifically stating if they are gluten-free. This is so great for the celiac community because it’s super difficult to know otherwise. More often than not they don’t list ingredients and if they do it’s nearly impossible to know what they are are! If you’ve ever tried to call a company to ask if their product is gluten-free you know what a pain that can be. Some companies are very helpful while most will give you a vague statement basically saying consume at your own risk. For now, we try to stick to those that state they are gluten-free! If you are interested in calling the companies to find out more check out this article from for more information on what ingredients to look out for.

Oral Health

“Celiac disease can cause dental enamel defects, delayed dental development and more cavities in children. Patients of all ages have more frequent and severe outbreaks of canker sores. Those not on a gluten-free diet are at greater risk for cancers of the mouth, pharynx and esophagus.” Check out for more information on oral health.

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