Pizza Boy Book
Gluten-Free 101, Shopping Guide


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Check out our new book we just released in honor of 10 years of being gluten-free… PIZZA BOY!!

It was 10 years ago that I was diagnosed with Celiac disease after being rushed to the emergency room for massive bleeding. After a week in the ICU they still didn’t know what was wrong with me. It took another 2 months and a battery of tests to finally get my diagnosis.

Then, the hard part began… figuring out what I could eat!! I quickly discovered if we wanted to eat out the easiest gluten-free food to be found was pizza!

Since my diagnosis we figured out that 2 of my 3 kids also needed to be gluten-free. My youngest is only slightly obsessed with pizza…ok he loves it! Everyone who knows him can predict the first word out of his mouth, rather than saying HI, it’s usually Pizza 🤣

Birthdays and Christmas for him usually mean lots of gift cards to MOD Pizza. When he hangs out with friends it usually involves a trip to MOD 🍕 With him as inspiration, my husband wrote this fun children’s book about a boy so obsessed with pizza it took over his life, literally!! Hope you have as much fun reading it as we had creating it!!

Read my full story of diagnosis and adjustment to a gluten-free life here. Thank you for visiting!

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