Try this delicious homemade gluten-free blackened salmon seasoning! It will take your salmon to the next level!
Shopping Guide
Finding “normal” tasting gluten-free food is getting easier and easier but can still be challenging. It took me several years of trial and error to find the right brands for various foods. One brand may make good noodles but a horrible bread, so it took time to figure out what we all liked. I am continually updating this gluten-free shopping guide as I discover new products so stay tuned!
When I first found out I had Celiac I tried to embrace my new food life with a positive attitude. I immediately went to Whole Foods and tried to find something I could snack on. At the time, my favorite snack was pretzels so I bought the first gluten-free bag of pretzels I saw. I went out to my car and ripped into the bag…what I saw inside scared me. It was supposedly a pretzel but it looked more like a twig. Still, I was trying to be optimistic so I took a bite. Eww! It tasted like the twig it looked like! I have since found gluten-free pretzels that actually taste like real pretzels. I fed those twig like pretzels to my chickens.
The following are some of the items we use on a regular basis that are easy to find and taste like normal food. Usually I can get away with feeding this food to normal people and they don’t even know it’s gluten-free. I also try to include the stores most items can be found. I am so grateful that I live in the Pacific Northwest, there are so many gluten-free options!! Through my @makeitglutenfreewithme page on Instagram I’ve learned that there are lots of gluten-free options all over the world! In particular, I’ve noticed New York & the UK have LOTS of gluten-free options! Maybe at some point I will try to update this gluten-free shopping guide to include other places…
Meet Pizza Boy! A boy who loved pizza. A boy who’s world revolved around pizza. It was all he could think about, it was all he would eat. A boy so obsessed with pizza it took over his life, literally!
The Cleanse
This is not a diet, it’s a metabolism boosting cleanse, helping you balance between the right proteins, veggies and fats.
Gluten-Free Backpacking
Here are a few of our favorite gluten-free backpacking meals as well as several other backpacking essentials.
Gluten-Free Sauces & Seasonings
There are so many more options for gluten-free sauces & seasonings than there were 10 years ago! Click here for a few of our favorite go-to sauces & seasonings.
Gluten-Free Taco Seasoning, Shells & Tortillas
Gluten-free taco seasoning can be hard to find. Here are a few options as well as a recipe to make your own from scratch!
Gluten-Free Rotisserie Chicken
Wait a minute…WHAT?! Not all rotisserie chicken is gluten-free?? Luckily, Costco’s rotisserie chicken is gluten-free!
Gluten-Free Noodles
What’s your favorite gluten-free noodle?? We have several go-to brands we like to use for our recipes. Click here for more details.
Gluten-Free Beer
These gluten-free beers are absolutely amazing!! The PNW knows how to do gluten-free beer right!! Definitely 100% Celiac safe!
Gluten-Free Pasta Sauce
Not all pasta sauce is gluten-free! And, get this, the same brand pasta sauce can be gluten-free at one store while not labeled gluten-free at another! Why? Keep reading to find out more…
Gluten-Free Sausages
You need to be careful with sausage as it often has fillers and those fillers often contain gluten! As far as ground sausage goes Isernio’s is the best
Key to gluten-free four
Xanthan Gum is the key to using gluten-free flour! Tailor each recipe to the exact texture and consistency you are trying to achieve!